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Post-Delivery Guide for a New Mother!

Motherhood brings about a lot of changes in a woman’s life, body and mind. And she needs time to adjust to all of those. There are so many physical, mental, and environmental factors involved when it comes to caring for a new mother. While the first few months of motherhood can be extremely challenging, family and friends can make this period manageable.

Here are some useful tips to care for a new mother after delivery

1. Give her time to adjust

You maybe meaning well, but constantly telling a woman what to do and what not to do after delivery is going to wear her out. If you have decided to be the primary caregiver for the new mother, then patience is a virtue you will absolutely need. Gently offer suggestions and let the mother make her own choices about feeding, sleep time, and other baby-related things that matter to her.

2. Cook nutritious food

One of the main things that is vital when it comes to postpartum care is the nutrition the woman receives. Pregnancy and delivery can make a woman tired, hungry, and weak. Choosing healthy fruits and vegetables to cook with, making satisfying soups and salads, and offering plenty of water during the first few weeks will help the mother get stronger quickly. Here are smart tips that can help.

- Choose multi-grains over refined flour and white rice.

- Include lean meat and fish in the diet to build muscle mass.

- Offer hot and fresh food whenever possible.

- Choose healthy dairy products to build stamina if she is not lactose intolerant.

- If you cannot cook, then choose healthier packaged meals and takeaways from stores that don’t use excessive transfat or sugar.

- Offer nuts and seeds for snacking. These are full of omega-3 fatty acids that are needed for building strength.

3. Give the mother time to sleep

Sleeplessness is a very big problem in young mothers. Most babies don’t sleep for more than 2-3 hours at a stretch. They need to be fed, pacified, and carried in between naps, even at night. If you can, try taking over a few such sessions, giving the mother uninterrupted hours of sleep. This will help her get stronger and calmer in the mornings.

4. Schedule hospital visits and remind her

In the first three months after delivery, a woman may be required to visit the hospital for her checkup and pediatric consultations multiple times. You can help by scheduling these visits and reminding her to make the appointment. This way, she will have one less thing on her plate.

5. Invest in intelligent baby products

There are baby care products that are designed to make the lives of new mothers easy. Consider buying one or more of the below products to bring down her workload.

- An intelligent baby monitor that soothes the baby back to sleep

- Self-cleaning bibs

- Breast pumps

- Play gyms and toys that encourage babies to independently play

6. Encourage her to start exercising

A new mother is so engrossed in the baby that she leaves no time for herself. Once the gynecologist gives a nod, start encouraging her to take a walk or indulge in moderate physical activities. For one, it helps the mother spend time with herself instead of always being with the baby. Secondly, physical activity helps build stamina that is needed to handle a growing baby.

7. Be there to listen

The best post pregnancy care you can offer a new mother is to simply sit and listen to her talk. Women go through pregnancy blues before and after the delivery, and postpartum depression is unfortunately very common. You can help her by listening and being supportive. If needed, you can also help her visit a professional to talk about postpartum mood swings and other mental changes that she is not able to handle on her own.


Things change after a positive pregnancy confirmation. Priorities are shifted and the woman goes through so much during the delivery and afterward. Helping her during and after delivery will help her handle the period better. And the above tips will help you care for a new mother better after delivery.

Source: Standford Children’s Hospital

Disclaimer: This blog provides general information and discussions about health and related subjects. The information and other content provided in this blog, website or in any linked materials are not intended and should not be considered, or used as a substitute for, medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Kindly contact your Doctor before starting a new medicine or health regime.

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